Friday, November 8, 2019

Greek Gatsby Essay essays

Greek Gatsby Essay essays Gatsbys expectations of his relationship with Daisy are extremely high, and very unrealistic. In his relationship with Daisy, it seems that all he wants is for the last four years to be completely erased with a simple I never loved you to Tom. He wants to have that same connection and bond that he had with her when they were much younger. Especially in this he is obsessive he doesnt seem to realise (as the romantically obsessed often are) that his dream is just that, and that reality is quite nearly impossible. It seems as if he is yearning for some indefinable quality that they shared together for her to be able to understand and to repeat the past with him. His reminiscing with Nick shows how idealised his image of his romance with Daisy has become: she blossomed for him like a flower; and even the description of an idyllic summers night shows just how unrealistic his expectations are. Nick recognises this, yet at the same time there is the sense that what Gatsby is saying isnt completely false and there is some reality hidden under Gatsbys illusion of Daisy ( I was reminded of something...uncommunicable forever). In pages 105-107, we begin to really get a glimpse of how obsessed Gatsby really is. There really is the sense felt that Gatsby has gone to all of this effort solely for Daisy, and he falls into depression upon seeing just how much things have changed between them ( I feel far away from her...Its hard to make her understand). He also feels depressed on meeting Tom properly, and on seeing how far apart their social crowds still are (even after all his effort) - the cold hard reality is almost sinking in. However after this his hope and optimism returns (his rare gift) and his dream is rebuilding itself. He still thinks, even after meeting Tom and Daisy not understanding him, that the past ca ...

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